We invite original contributions in a variety of areas related to Recommendation, Configuration and Web Personalization:
- Preference Elicitation and User Modeling: Interactive Elicitation, Explicit and Implicit Feedback, Social/Semantic Web Mining for Personalization, Collaborative and Content-based Filtering
- User Interaction: Conversational Approaches, Explanations, Constraint Relaxation, Context-Aware Approaches, Personalized Information Filtering
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Constraint Programming, Preference Handling, Machine Learning, Satisfiability Testing, Logic-based Approaches, Developing, Testing and Debugging of Knowledge Bases
- Evaluation Methodology, Metrics, and Case Studies: Implementation Architectures
- Recommender Systems, Product Configuration and Mass Customization, Constraint Reasoning, Preference Handling, Web Personalization
- The workshop will be held for one day and will consist of a program aimed at generating discussions around key themes related to the workshop topic. The program will be divided into technical sessions and a substantial amount of time allocated to open discussion.
- The workshop will also feature an invited talk.