ITWP'12 Workshop Topics
- User model representation and preference elicitation: Knowledge acquisition strategies, user context modeling, cross-domain models, privacy, cognitive models for Web navigation, self-adaptation, utility function elicitation from user interaction, user modeling on the Social Web;
- Architectures, systems and enabling technologies: personalized search, scalability of personalization and recommendation techniques, intelligent browsing and navigation, adaptive hypertext systems, hybrid and conversational recommendation systems, context-awareness, Data/web mining for personalization, Link Analysis and Graph Mining, automated techniques for ontology generation, learning, and acquisition; machine leaning techniques for information extraction, Social Web, and the Semantic Web;
- User and algorithm centric evaluation methodologies, metrics, and case studies
Workshop Format
- The workshop will be held for one day and will consist of a program aimed at generating discussions around key themes related to the workshop topic. The program will be divided intotechnical sessions and a substantial amount of time allocated to open discussion.
- The workshop will also feature an invited talk.