4th ACM RecSys Workshop onRecommender Systems&the Social WebDublin, 9 September, 2012 |
We solicit short and long papers as well as research demos on all aspects of recommender systems in the Social Web. Papers should be formatted according to the style guide of RecSys 2012.
Long papers present original research work and can be of up to 8 pages in length. Short papers report on work in progress and can have up to 4 pages. Presenters of demo systems are asked to submit short papers describing their system.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format through the EasyChair system at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rsweb12. Paper selection will be based on a peer review process; there will be no blind review process - author names and affiliations should be included in the paper.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop. Information about registration is provided at the RecSys 2012 Web page: http://recsys.acm.org/2012/.
Question and inquiries: rsweb2012@ls13.cs.tu-dortmund.de
Accepted papers will be published online via ACM Digital Library.
Depending on the submissions, it is planned to propose a special issue on the topic for an international journal.