UMAP 2010 - 8th Workshop on

Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization


Recommender Systems (ITWP'10)

Big Island of Hawaii, June 20 2010

Peter Brusilovsky

Invited talk

Professor Peter Brusilovsky
The user side of personalization: how personalization affects the users

The personalization algorithms are polished on log data and ready to face real users. But what you can expect when real users hit the newly minted personalized Web site? The talk will focus on user behavior in personalized Web systems and examines how user behavior is affected by personalized guidance and recommendation. It will review the results of several long-term studies of personalized systems and and discuss both local impact (whether the users follow recommendations) and global impact of personalization.


Peter Brusilovsky has been working in the field of adaptive educational systems, user modeling, and intelligent user interfaces for more than 20 years. He published numerous papers and edited several books on adaptive hypermedia and the adaptive Web. Peter is currently an Associate Professor of Information Science and Intelligent Systems at the University of Pittsburgh, where he directs Personalized Adaptive Web Systems (PAWS) lab. Peter is the Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies and a board member of several journals including User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction, ACM Transactions on the Web, and Web Intelligence and Agent Systems. He is also the current President of User Modeling Inc., a professional organization of user modeling researchers.