UMAP 2010 - 8th Workshop on

Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization


Recommender Systems (ITWP'10)

Big Island of Hawaii, June 20 2010


The following are some of the issues and topics that will be addressed at the workshop.

  • Systems and Algorithms Recommender systems for and personalization of the social Web including Folksonomies and social networks; personalized search and resource discovery; intelligent agents for browsing and navigation; recommender system mashups; privacy-preserving personalization methods; robust and trust-aware recommender systems; hybrid recommender system; ensemble methods for collaborative recommendations; conversational recommendation systems; dynamics of recommendation; user studies and empirical evaluation of systems; practical applications and case studies of deployed recommender and personalization systems.
  • User Modeling and Preference Elicitation The use of domain knowledge and ontologies in user modeling; contextual and task-oriented recommender interfaces and algorithms; individual and group user models / group recommendation; cross-domain models; automated techniques for user profile generation and updating; trust and reputation in user modeling and recommendation; cognitive models for Web navigation and e-commerce interactions, psychological and sociological aspects of recommender systems; self-adaptation; utility function elicitation from implicit and explicit user interaction; data models for Web usage, content, and structure; latent factor models for user profiling; natural language models.
  • Enabling Technologies Data/Web mining for personalization; Link Analysis and Graph Mining; automated techniques for ontology generation, learning, and acquisition; Machine Leaning techniques for information filtering, extraction and integration; learning metadata and harvesting; Web 2.0 and Semantic Web technologies; ubiquitous environments; collaborative knowledge authoring and collective intelligence; mining recommendation knowledge from the Social Web.