Ontology-Based Collaborative Recommendation |
Ahu Sieg, Bamshad Mobasher, Robin Burke |
Contact Recommendations from Aggegrated On-Line Activity
| Abigail Gertner, Justin Richer, Thomas Bartee |
Reciprocal Recommenders
| Luiz Pizzato, Tomek Rej, Thomas Chung, Kalina Yacef, Irena Koprinska, Judy Kay |
Using Bayesian Networks To Elicit Preferences |
Sven Radde, Burkhard Freitag |
Neighborhood-restricted mining and weighted application of association rules for recommenders |
Fatih Gedikli, Dietmar Jannach |
Recommending based on rating frequencies: Accurate enough?
Fatih Gedikli, Dietmar Jannach |